IT Solutions for the Future

Welcome to COMTREAD

Technology Solutions

You ask and we provide for you
Comtread understands that each of our customers has individualized needs and as such we have created solutions and strategies for companies of all sizes.
Our goal is to be one of the leading suppliers of custom computing, configuration, and integration services to government agencies, Forturne 1000 companies, and the aerospace industry.
The voice of our customer has said systems integration is an area they need assistance. We take that request seriously and work closely with strategic partners like Oracle and IBM to help you develop more reliable, faster and secure systems.
We are constantly exploring computing options available and making sure we are at the cutting edges of IT solutions so that we know what is available before you need it.
Comtread leverages strategic partnerships with multiple vendors such as IBM, Apple, Toshiba, Acer, and Lenovo.